A Potcake is a mixed-breed dog found on islands in The Caribbean, more specifically, The Bahamas or Turks & Caicos Islands. The name is a term of endearment that comes from the leftover rice or macaroni mixture often stuck to the bottom of the family cooking pot. After a meal, Bahamians traditionally placed their food-caked pots outside to feed the stray dogs. Hence the dogs became known as Potcakes. Although Potcakes are an untapped valuable resource, the majority of Potcakes do not have a home of their own. Rather they are mostly born in the wild and struggle to survive. Most do not make it more than a few days or weeks. Without finding a nearby source of sustenance, they usually suffer greatly and perish within a year. If one is lucky to find and care for one of these stray Potcakes, they will have an amazing and loyal companion for many years due to the fact that Potcakes are the cream of the crop. Over the centuries, it’s been the hardiest and most adaptable of the Potcakes that have survived to reproduce. This “natural” selection of only the strongest pups has worked to create one of the most amazing dog breeds on Earth. Potcakes are resourceful, strong, intelligent, determined, brave, loving, and most of all, loyal. Those exact traits that help Potcakes succeed in the wild also make Potcakes excellent additions to almost any family.